Elite Nursing


Exacerbation of COPD Assignment

Exacerbation of COPD Assignment

Differentiate between a focused and complete assessment with regards to this scenario. A 70 y.o. the patient is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with an exacerbation of COPD, complaint of SOB, and a persistent cough over the last three days. The nurse enters the room to complete an assessment and determines the patient is SOB. Should the nurse complete a head-to-toe assessment or a focused assessment; provide a detailed, evidence-based, discussion on why? Discussion board postings and responses should be single-spaced and follow APA format as much as possible; this includes that postings be grammatically correct (APA, 2019, sec 4.12-4.22) free of spelling errors (APA, 2019 sec 6.11) and include explanations of abbreviations (APA, 2019, sec 6.24-6.31). All postings should include both in-text citations (APA, 2019, sec 8.1-8.36) and references (APA, 2019, pp. 281-368). Substantive postings are thoughtful, logically organized, answer all aspects of the question, and are of at least 250 words with support from current authoritative sources. Substantive peer responses, which further the discussion are thoughtful, logically organized, respectful, referenced, of at least 100 words per response and based upon additional research or personal experiences, asking questions with rationales, or otherwise contributing further insight. Exacerbation of COPD Assignment


Differentiate between a focused and complete assessment with regards to this scenario. A 70 y.o. the patient is admitted to the medical-surgical unit with an exacerbation of COPD, complaint of SOB, and a persistent cough over the last three days. The nurse enters the room to complete an assessment and determines the patient is SOB. Should the nurse complete a head-to-toe assessment or a focused assessment; provide a detailed, evidence-based, discussion on why? Discussion board postings and responses should be single-spaced and follow APA format as much as possible; this includes that postings be grammatically correct (APA, 2019, sec 4.12-4.22) free of spelling errors (APA, 2019 sec 6.11) and include explanations of abbreviations (APA, 2019, sec 6.24-6.31). All postings should include both in-text citations (APA, 2019, sec 8.1-8.36) and references (APA, 2019, pp. 281-368). Substantive postings are thoughtful, logically organized, answer all aspects of the question, and are of at least 250 words with support from current authoritative sources. Substantive peer responses, which further the discussion are thoughtful, logically organized, respectful, referenced, of at least 100 words per response and based upon additional research or personal experiences, asking questions with rationales, or otherwise contributing further insight. Exacerbation of COPD Assignment

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