Elite Nursing


Gender, Stress and Mental Health Paper

Gender, Stress and Mental Health Paper

  • Focus on the gender-related similarities and differences, and similarities related to stress, coping, and the related mental health problems.
  • Think about specific stressful life situations, such as divorce, marriage, entering a new school, job changes or loss, dealing with sick family members or aging parents, the death of someone close, having a baby, etc. Consider some of the stressors specific to these situations.
  • Select one stressful situation to focus on in this Discussion (e.g., divorce, marriage, a job change or loss, a sick family member or aging parent, a death in the family, etc.).
  • Explore the topic of stress on the American Psychological Association Web site. Focus on stress issues related to the life situation you selected.
  • Now think about how stressors may be different for men and women in general and specific to the situation you chose.
  • How might men and women deal with the stressors differently? Why might there be differences? With these thoughts in mind


  • Note: Put the stressful life situation you selected in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who selected a different stressful life situation than you did.
  • Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Gender, Stress and Mental Health Paper
  • Focus on the gender-related similarities and differences, and similarities related to stress, coping, and the related mental health problems.
  • Think about specific stressful life situations, such as divorce, marriage, entering a new school, job changes or loss, dealing with sick family members or aging parents, the death of someone close, having a baby, etc. Consider some of the stressors specific to these situations.
  • Select one stressful situation to focus on in this Discussion (e.g., divorce, marriage, a job change or loss, a sick family member or aging parent, a death in the family, etc.).
  • Explore the topic of stress on the American Psychological Association Web site. Focus on stress issues related to the life situation you selected.
  • Now think about how stressors may be different for men and women in general and specific to the situation you chose.
  • How might men and women deal with the stressors differently? Why might there be differences? With these thoughts in mind
  • Note: Put the stressful life situation you selected in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who selected a different stressful life situation than you did.
  • Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.

Gender, Stress and Mental Health Paper


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