Elite Nursing


Homework Question on Carl Rogers

Homework Question on Carl Rogers

  • Apply Carl Rogers Theories of studying person-situation interactions to the situation below. Isabella is a sophomore in college who is spending her Spring Break at Rocky Point for the first time. She drinks heavily, engages in sexual activity with strangers, sleeps through the day to be ready to party at night, and spends most of the week in a bikini. She is very outgoing with everyone she meets. Homework Question on Carl Rogers When the semester ends, Isabella goes home for the summer to be with her parents. Isabella dresses conservatively, and is usually home by midnight, unless she spends the night at a friend’s house. Her parents believe her sexual activity has been limited to a boyfriend she dated for two years. Isabella has not mentioned dating anyone since the break up. When she goes to the beach with her parents, Isabella wears a one piece bathing suit. She is generally outgoing, friendly, and considered a “good girl.” Her parents had once hoped she would marry the boy next door, until he got a tattoo.


  • Carl Rogers-
  1. Person- Centered Approach
  2. Psychotherapy Research
  3. Personality Development
  4. Self-Actualization
  5. Self-Worth and Positive Regard Homework Question on Carl Rogers
  6. Congruence
  7. Humanistic Approach
  • Apply Carl Rogers Theories of studying person-situation interactions to the situation below. Isabella is a sophomore in college who is spending her Spring Break at Rocky Point for the first time. She drinks heavily, engages in sexual activity with strangers, sleeps through the day to be ready to party at night, and spends most of the week in a bikini. She is very outgoing with everyone she meets. When the semester ends, Isabella goes home for the summer to be with her parents. Isabella dresses conservatively, and is usually home by midnight, unless she spends the night at a friend’s house. Her parents believe her sexual activity has been limited to a boyfriend she dated for two years. Isabella has not mentioned dating anyone since the break up. When she goes to the beach with her parents, Isabella wears a one piece bathing suit. She is generally outgoing, friendly, and considered a “good girl.” Her parents had once hoped she would marry the boy next door, until he got a tattoo.
  • Carl Rogers-
  1. Person- Centered Approach
  2. Psychotherapy Research
  3. Personality Development
  4. Self-Actualization
  5. Self-Worth and Positive Regard
  6. Congruence
  7. Humanistic Approach

Homework Question on Carl Rogers

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