Elite Nursing


Reply theory

Replies theory DB4 week 7

1-alberto alfonso

The human being is the daily creation of reality through the language of evaluation and of the image as rhythmic paradoxical patterns of revealing, enabling-limiting and connecting-are driving forms of transformation as Rosemarie Rizzo Parse explains in his theory of human becoming; in addition to stating that the human sciences focus on the human being as a vital unit and their qualitative participation of health experiences. Parse also defines the person as the vital unit of the universe and health as the experiences lived by human beings. The man can choose from the options that he is going to take and he has the responsibility of those options.

           In daily practice as a registered nurse this theory can be applied because we as members of the health system and because it is part of the real presence in the care of the patients we have an active participation in it and the individuals (patients) can describe the meaning personal situation and make your own choice for your well-being. Nurses see the health of their patients as one of the most important thing when she or he comes to caring or treating their patients, but nurses cannot decide on many occasions to do, because if the patient does not agree the nurse could not do anything, the decision is for the patient.

An example of this is when a client has Gallstone, the nurse or other health professionals in charge of the patient’s care suggest that surgery is necessary to avoid future complications, and despite knowing this the patient refuses the surgical procedure, he prefers to wait, and the nurse cannot decide for him. In this case, the role of the nurse as leader and main figure in the care of the patient is to educate him, to guide him about what is best for him, for his health, and his life in general.

             One assumption of this theory is “the human is open (as Parse describes) freely choosing meaning with situation, bearing responsibility for decisions (situated freedom, openness, and energy field)” this assumption is my opinion is real and daily practice of nursing, as patients have all rights to make decisions regarding medical care, the right to accept or refuse treatment, the right to formulate advances directives and others. Although according to the critics the theory of human development has taken the beliefs of human science in the service of the development of knowledge in a new and important way, also proposing that instead the theory of the nurse should be dedicated to the verification of the investigation and to lead to practice the knowledge without using paradigms.

2-sandra jaime

 Parse’s Human Becoming Theory is important in guiding the practice of nurses to focus on quality of life. The human becoming theory rates quality of life from each person’s own perspective as the goal of the practice of nursing. Parse acknowledges quality and caring as the essence of nursing. She also adds that caring can be viewed as the nurse’s moral ideal of preserving human dignity by assisting a person to find meaning in illness and suffering in order to restore or promote the person’s harmony. You may be inclined to view such “moral ideal” as being extremely intangible and inaccessible. However, as one usually aspires to be the best nurse possible, one tends to evaluate oneself to such ideal.

            There are always areas in our careers that can be improved. We work with the public and care for patients of many ages, and although we all try our best to give adequate care for our patients, there may be times that certain aspects of policy or procedure inhibit us from doing so. At my current facility, we have seen a rise in infants being born to mothers with some kind of drug dependency issue. These infants then need to be admitted and cared for by our staff due to their withdrawal symptoms. My facility does currently have a policy and procedure for these types of situations, but it has not been updated since the surge of occurrences. I believe that my facility needs to come up with a way to better help, not only the babies suffering from withdrawal, but also the mothers who are obviously having an issue with drug dependency and the other family members involved.

3- marisley tapia

Human Becoming Theory guides the practice of nurses to focus on the quality of life as it is described and lived. The human becoming theory of nursing presents an alternative to both the conventional bio-medical approach as well as the bio-psycho-spiritual approach of most other theories and models of nursing. The three major assumptions about human becoming are meaning, rhythmicity and transcendence. Under the assumption meaning, human becoming is freely choosing personal meaning in situations in the intersubjective process of living value priorities. Man’s reality is given meaning through lived experiences. In addition, man and environment co-create. Rhythmicity states that human becoming is co-creating rhythmical patterns of relating in mutual process with the universe. Man and environment co-create (imaging, valuing, language) in rhythmical patterns. Transcendence explains that human becoming is co-transcending multidimensional with emerging possibilities. It refers to reaching out and beyond the limits a person sets, and that one constantly transforms. By practicing using Human-becoming Theory, patients are valued for knowing their way and patients define their own quality of health and life.

The nurse practitioners have come to know that people know their way and need an environment to share all of the things they value. Bearing witness to persons’ journeys, relating to their many stories is critical to health and well-being. Enhanced medical knowledge through NP education allows NPs to offer people possibilities that they may not have come to know previously, creating a safe environment where they can reveal their hopes, dreams, and fears creating a path for their journey to health and quality of life. The nurse practitioner practice is more than prescribing medications and ordering diagnostic tests. Dialogical-engagement enhances the nurse practitioner practice by creating an environment whereby persons are listened to and respected for knowing their way. 

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